
Kerry-Ann van der Merwe

Head of Technology, Steyn City School

Teacher of 15 years and Life-long Learner, Kerry-Ann, has always found herself drawn towards “doing things differently” in the classroom. EdTech and ESports resonated with her professional mission and, at age 30, “reinvented” herself by transforming her pedagogical approach in 2018 – when she attended a presentation by Microsoft Education South Africa. Kerry-Ann always aspires to be the “best version of herself”, as a teacher, for her students. She is a #21CLD Enthusiast and passionate about empowering teachers and students with skills for living and working in the 4iR. Kerry-Ann is committed to inspiring others through sharing her journey and experiences with EdTech, Microsoft, and Minecraft, as often as she can, by networking at events and presenting captivating keynote addresses. She is a Microsoft Certified Educator, Microsoft Innovative Educator Fellow, Wakelet Ambassador, Flip Innovator and Student Voice Ambassador, and Minecraft Fan! Kerry-Ann teaches Grades 000 – 3 Technology and is the Head of Technology Education (Preparatory School) at Steyn City School. She is also one of the ESports Coaches and Facilitators in her school’s Co-Curricular programme. When she is not teaching, or being a Mom (of two little girls, who are also Minecrafters), she likes to read, go for a run, or play computer games.